Integrative Education & Development Services and Consulting

Transformation Through Mindful Education

holistic developmental techniques

Welcome to Seven Rays
Healing Education!

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Infant Massage Classes

(Birth to Pre-Sitting)

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Early Education

(0-5 years old)

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Social-Emotional Development

(5-12 years old)

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Mindfulness & Meditation Sessions

(By Appointment, Please Contact)

A little about us

Our Mission

Seven Rays Healing Education’s mission is to enhance learning and development for children of diverse needs by inspiring and supporting the teaching and caregiving community to provide healing education. We define healing education, as practical information that facilitates self-awareness, addresses our mind, body and spirit connection and promotes a relationship with the environment, our local and global community and ourselves.

My name is Daisy Valdovinos and Seven Rays Healing Education is my vision of a life purpose. My life purpose is to catalyze a cultural transformation that will champion the cause of caregiving and teaching processes that heal and facilitate higher levels of social, emotional and creative thinking. I am visionary educator who is passionate about the power of mindfulness in relation to child development, education, parenting, and LIFE in general. My greatest inspiration is the own 10 year-old daughter and all the children I serve. It is my conviction that children are reflection of who we are and if we want to see growth and development in our children, then it starts with us; the parents, teachers and caregivers who are shaping the next generation. I believe that the better we can relate with each child, the more transformative our interventions and interactions will be. Every child is a beautiful everlasting mystery seeking to be understood. Finding extra-ordinary ways to connect to extra-ordinary children is my specialty. Supporting caregivers and parents connect with their extra-ordinary children is my calling.

I am proud to say that I graduated Magnum Cum Laude from University of California, Riverside with a Bachelor’s of Arts in Sociology. I have gained more than a decade of experience in the fields of mental health, education, child development, neuro-movement, neuro-linguistics, self-development, early intervention and social services, serving as instructor, mentor, tutor, case manager, teacher, speaker and coach. I am a Certified Infant Massage Instructor (CIMI-II) and Triple P Positive Parenting Program Practitioner.

Seven Rays Healing Education’s vision is to create a world where children grow to be socially and emotionally resilient, confidently connected individuals who are empowered to discover and share their unique stories and gifts with their community. My vision is that this community will one day be housed at the Seven Rays Center for Healing, a future center for integrative healing through arts, science and culture.

Seven Rays Healing Education philosophy and curriculum promotes what is sometimes referred to as “soft cognitive skills, ” or “non-cognitive skills.” These skills, which include connecting, communicating, critical thinking, cooperation, and creativity are not likely to be qualified on report cards or assessment tools, so they are less likely to be promoted in schools, and therefore, neglected in most homes. We believe that when the foundational faculties of relating to one self, others and the world are harnessed, the “hard skills”-- cognitive, language and motor skills will naturally progress because the child will confidently explore and learn through those interactions.

Our approach is not idealistic “juju.” The proof is in the pudding…check out what research says about how children are responding to holistic forms of education.

“Recent research has demonstrated that when schools and districts focus on social and emotional learning (SEL), students’ academic achievement, prosocial behaviors, and positive attitudes improve, while their behavior problems and emotional distress decrease”.

Exploring the Potential Benefits of Holistic Education: A Formative Analysis
Sharon Lauricella & Steph MacAskill
University of Ontario, Canada

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what we offer

Our Services

Young mother and cute little daughter meditating in lotus pose together at green summer park.

For Parents

Triple P Positive Parenting Program Classes

Behavior and Development Consultations

Infant Massage Classes

Communication and Coping Skills for Caregivers

Mindfulness & Meditation Instruction

Neuro-Design Engineering and Transformation Hypnosis


For Children

Infant Massage Classes (birth-6 months)

Developmental Evaluation and Early Education Plan (0-5 years)

Personalized Play-Based Developmental Sessions

Cultural-Linguistic Workshops for Spanish DLI students

Inclusive Nature-Based Day Camps for Social-Emotional Development (5-12 years)

Mindfulness & Meditation Sessions


For Professionals

Early Intervention Specialist Training and Mentorship

Mindfulness & Meditation for professionals



Today’s world is fast paced and daily stressors seem to pile up not only on parents but their children also. As a parent I could see that both my daughter’s and I needed to find a way to rejuvenate our minds. When I found Daisy’s meditation session I was excited because I knew something needed to change for my family. My daughter’s (10yrs old, 13 yrs old) quickly joined in because the instructor Daisy creates and warm and welcoming environment to all.  Since the session my daughter’s and I meditate regularly and they will say “Mom, it’s time for us to meditate!” I couldn’t be happier knowing that both my girls have found a healthy way to refresh and ease their minds when life gets stressful. The techniques they have learned and how to apply them is priceless. Thank you Daisy for showing us the way!

Adrian, Mom of Magnificent Miley and Amazing Aileen 

As a mom with a Kiddo with DS, promoting language development was a pressing priority. Ms. Daisy taught us practical ways to promote language in our daily routines and rituals. She was creative with the places we played in, she encouraged us to get out of the house and be social. I loved that we went to the mall, the pool, the park, etc. Ms. Daisy always provided a reason for every activity. She helped us understand how each behavior and developmental goal builds on one another. Ms. Daisy knows when and how to involve siblings into the play sessions. I absolutely loved when she would read some of the “why?” research to me and provided developmental context for my child’s development.

Anna, Mom of Daring Diego

I'm a mother of child with a global developmental delay. We were so lucky to work with Ms. Daisy for a year. She had the ability to help our son improve in all areas of development. Our boy surely benefitted from what Ms. Daisy taught him. Her work was magical. She approached each session with a sense of curiosity for our child. She is aware, thoughtful and highly intelligent. Her focus is on improving functional skills for children in the context of daily life. She always provided different and effective solutions to our developmental concerns. I love how much she respects all the children and the families she works with. I also liked that during the sessions everything is about the child and for the child. Ms. Daisy is a master teacher for children with special needs. I'm so thankful for her service. I truly appreciate her passionate work of moving and acting with all her heart. 

Agnes, Mom to Adorable Aron

Having Daisy as my daughter’s teacher was an amazing experience! Daisy not only used different techniques towards helping my daughter with her communication delay, she also included the whole family in working as a team to care for my daughter’s development. As a concerned parent, I felt at ease after my daughter showed improvement in her communication right after her first session!

Annika, Mom of Sophisticated Sophia

“He tenido el privilegio de conocerla personal y profesionalmente y ha dejado una huella en nuestras vidas con su estilo natural y dulce que contempla toda clase de recursos relacionados con la vida, la naturaleza y el arte. Gracias por el compromiso y la honestidad con que realizas todos tus proyectos.”

Diana Hincapie, Mama de Super Sebastian

Daisy Valdovinos has a mission to make sensory learning a core of childhood development intervention.  Her innovative approach leads children to explore sensory experiences in a natural environment.  She is focused on providing access to this important building block to all children. Daisy is a warm, understanding and dynamic individual whose passion inspires others, including me, to reach for more, expect more, create more opportunities that enrich the lives of those around us.

Nicole B. Cloeren, PhD, Puppeteer, Tinkergarten Leader

“I have known Daisy for nearly a decade as a colleague and can attest to her commitment to her clients and their families. Daisy is an active contributing member of the early intervention family. She has taken the initiative to expand her skills and knowledge with additional trainings such as infant massage, Neuro-design Engineering and Transformation. Daisy’s warm and gentle demeanor allows her to instantly connect with children and adults alike. She has garnered nothing but respect from her peers and they often refer clients to her for her expertise in parent child relationship building.  Once you have met Daisy you have in her an advocate for life. 

Avani Zaidi, Physical Therapist, ABM Neuro-Movement Practitioner

“Ms.Daisy has an easy manner with her students/ clients. Her experience gives the results.  It was wonderful to have the opportunity to work side by side with Ms. Daisy.  She has attributes that are not often seen these days such as: work ethics, energy and passion”.

Ines Choy, Speech and Language Pathologist


Our address & contact details


Postal Address


Business Hours

Business hours are flexible, appointments are based on consultant and parent availability. Video consults also available.


Mornings, 08:30 – 12:30 
Afternoons, 13:30 – 17:30 
Full Day, 08:30 – 17:30

Please fill out the form below


Seven Rays Healing Education’s vision is to create communities where children grow to be socially and emotionally resilient, confidently connected individuals who are passionate about discovering and sharing their unique stories and gifts with their community.

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